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Watch again: ‘Mobility 2050’ webinar

Watch our Mobility 2050 webinar again for a vision of our transport future

National Bus Strategy is a step in the right direction for the South East – but we can’t stop there

Long-term, sustainable funding model is needed to deliver the investment we need.

Speakers and panellists confirmed for ‘Mobility 2050’

Join us for a first look at our emerging future mobility strategy for the South East

Budget 2021 response

'Levelling up', fuel duty freeze and Solent Freeport

TfSE signs up to diversity and inclusion charter

Transport for the South East has underlined its commitment to diversity and inclusion by signing up to the Chartered Institute for Highways and Transportation (CIHT) Diversity & Inclusion Charter. The charter has been signed by more than 60 organisations across the public and private sectors. In signing the charter, we have committed to: Strive to

‘Top ten’ priority road upgrade gets green light

Redbridge Causeway investment totalling £15.8m will safeguard and improve journeys

Our year in review: 2020

We’ve learned this year of the huge potential to live, work and travel differently

More help needed for consumers and car industry if 2030 ban on new petrol and diesel vehicles is to succeed

Ahead of a possible announcement from government bringing forward the ban on new petrol and diesel vehicle sales to 2035 or even 2030, local government and business leaders in the South East have reiterated their call for a targeted action plan to speed up the UK’s switch to electric vehicles. Currently, only around 7% of

Government commits to South East transport strategy – but says time isn’t right to devolve transport powers

Transport for the South East has welcomed news that its transport strategy will be used by Government to help decide where, when and how to invest in the South East’s transport network. The thirty-year strategy published this summer sets out how, with the right investment, we can grow the South East’s economy, boost jobs and

Investment welcomed to tackle major east-west bottleneck

Transport for the South East has welcomed the announcement from Highways England of a preferred route for a bypass on the A27 near Arundel in West Sussex. The scheme will address a congestion pinch point on the only major east-west transport corridor south of the M25, connecting a number of cities and ports that are