Active Travel
Active travel refers to walking, wheeling (e.g. mobility aids, children in prams), cycling, scooting and horse-riding.
Active travel has an important role to play in helping us to deliver our Transport Strategy’s vision. The benefits of active travel span across the social, environmental, and economic pillars of our Transport Strategy.
Active travel is often the most efficient, affordable, and sustainable way of making shorter trips and is also a key component to enabling multi-modal trips of longer distances.
Currently, however, active travel levels within the South East are low. This is largely due to a lack of high-quality and cohesive infrastructure, meaning that people do not see active travel as a safe, attractive, or convenient way to move around.
An attractive, safe, and integrated network is required across the region to maximize the benefits of active travel. Learn about how we’re helping achieve this by reading below.

What we are doing
As part of demonstrating our commitment to active travel in the region, we have developed a Regional Active Travel Strategy & Action Plan (RATSAP). Through development of the RATSAP, we built an evidence base and further understanding of active travel across the region. This allowed us to identify cross boundary schemes, enable greater joint working, share best practice and knowledge, and support cases for funding.
We published our Strategic Active Travel and Micromobility Plan in March 2023, which includes our ambitions for active travel as identified within our Strategic Investment Plan.
As part of this project, we began producing quarterly newsletters about the progress of the RATSAP. These newsletters have continued as part of the implementation of the RATSAP. Click the links below to view the published newsletters and make sure you’re signed up to our Connections Newsletter to receive future publications.