We work in partnership with Network Rail. Together, we’re committed to creating a better, more accessible and more sustainable transport network in the South East.
A Memorandum of Understanding sets out how our two organisations will work together to achieve common goals including better cross-regional train services, developing schemes to increase network capacity and new journey opportunities, wider use of smart ticketing and an end to diesel trains on the South East’s railways.
Explore options to improve cross-regional services
Support development of capacity improvements to cater for forecast growth
Promote better rolling stock that meets the needs of all passengers in the South East
Work with partners to improve passenger information across transport modes and roll out multi-modal smart ticketing
achieve 2050 net-zero carbon targets
Work with rail industry partners to enable removal of diesel traction for passenger rail services in the South East
Work with the freight sector to influence the proportion of freight carried by rail and/or lower carbon traction
efficiently align taxpayer-funded resources
Integrate strategic analysis, data sources and insight
Align area studies and Network Rail modular route studies where possible
work openly and in good faith
Support each other’s policies and objectives wherever possible
Mutually assist in the development of area studies and Network Rail modular route studies
Work closely in terms of data sharing, analysis and policy outcomes
Kent, Sussex and Wessex routes will speak with one voice to provide a clarity on Network Rail policy or positions
better integrate transport and land use planning
Seek to improve land use planning by collaborating with relevant local, regional and central government organisations involved in determining housing policy and specification of local industrial strategies
“I’m really excited about the commitments we’ve made with Transport for the South East as together we strive for a better and more sustainable future for everyone.”
John Halsall, managing director of Network Rail’s Southern region: August 2022