Electric Vehicle Charging Infrastructure
Our EVCI Strategy aims to facilitate the roll out of EV Charging Infrastructure across the South East.
Strategic Investment Plan
Our SIP provides a framework for investment in strategic transport infrastructure, services, and regulatory interventions from now to 2050.
Future Mobility
Our Future Mobility Strategy helps partners across the South East take advantage of new and developing transport technology.
Freight, Logistics and Gateways
Our Freight, Logistics and International Gateways Strategy was published in 2022.
TfSE has developed a tool that enables our LTAs to work out what carbon reductions can be made through the transport measures in their LTPs.
Covid-19 recovery
Understanding the impacts and future-proofing our investment plans
Planning a Better Railway
We work in partnership with Network Rail. Together, we're committed to creating a better, more accessible and more sustainable transport network in the South East.
Investing in our Region's Roads
We all rely on a well-functioning road network to access jobs, goods and services.