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Tag: south east

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Forecasting Demand for Electric Vehicle Charging in the South East

Since autumn this year Transport for the South East (TfSE) have been working on an electric vehicle charging infrastructure strategy. The strategy works alongside the Department for Transport’s (DfT) National Electric Vehicle Infrastructure Strategy.  The strategy aims to accelerate the roll out of electric vehicle charging infrastructure across the south east in an efficient and cohesive &hellip; <a href="">Continued</a>

Read more about Forecasting Demand for Electric Vehicle Charging in the South East

Another priority road schemes set to benefit from Government funding

Another of our priority road schemes has received Government approval and funding of £750,000 to enable it to progress to the next phase of development. The A28 Birchington, Acol and Westgate-On-Sea Relief Road scheme is one of the &nbsp;top ten priority schemes Transport for the South East submitted to government for consideration as part of &hellip; <a href="">Continued</a>

Read more about Another priority road schemes set to benefit from Government funding