Electric Vehicle Forum:
The EV Forum consists of Local Authorities, the Department for Transport, Distribution Network Operators, Charge Point Operators, and National Bodies. Key speakers from across the EV sector use the platform to deliver presentations that share new updates, best practice and lessons learnt regarding the rollout of EV charging infrastructure, as well as providing a platform to try and resolve challenges experienced.
The quarterly forum meetings help support a collaborative effort towards the rollout of a comprehensive public charging network across the South East. The members of the forum were chosen by a stakeholder mapping exercise, however, we always welcome new members!

Regional Active Travel Steering Group:
We originally assembled the Regional Active Travel Steering Group (RATSG) for the purposes of providing strategic direction and advice through the development of our Regional Active Travel Strategy & Action Plan (RATSAP). The RATSG is comprised of all 16 local transport authorities, as well as national delivery partners such as Active Travel England and National Rail, as well as advocacy groups such as Sustrans and Transport Action Network. Now that RATSAP has been developed, it was agreed by members of the RATSG that they would continue to meet on a quarterly basis to provide accountability for RATSAP’s implementation and knowledge sharing across organisations.
South East Future Mobility Forum:
The South East Future Mobility Forum (SEFMF) is facilitated by Transport for the South East on a quarterly basis as part of implementation of our Future Mobility Strategy Action Plan. The SEFMF brings together representatives from public, private, and third sectors to learn together and from each other, all with the aim of progressing transport sustainability, equality, and innovation.
The SEFMF is a semi-open group whereby interested parties may email Katie Lamb to register interest and added to the contact list.

Modelling and Appraisal Forum:
The forum consists of technical officers managing modelling and appraisal projects, alongside DfT analysts and subject matter experts who share their knowledge. Discussions focus on challenges in technical work, such as business cases and model developments, with opportunities for knowledge sharing on case studies, best practices, and innovative ideas. The forum addresses regional gaps in modelling and appraisal capabilities, providing a platform for collaboration and upskilling. It meets quarterly, with initial participants nominated through the Transport Strategy Working Group and others included based on relevant topics.
Bus Forum:
The Bus Forum was a requested support solution as part of the Bus Back Better workstream that was funded in 2022. Due to its success, it has remained outside of the funding window, as an opportunity for authorities to come together to share knowledge and best practice.
Topics are identified by attendees and form a programme of content for the Forums. Some of the things we have covered to date include; traffic case management, Bus Centre of Excellence demo, town/city economic recovery since covid and wider actions to support this, Demand Responsive Transport.

Decarbonisation Forum:
The South East Transport Decarbonisation Forum provides a mechanism for practitioners involved with the development of policy, strategy and action plans relating to the decarbonisation of surface transport to exchange ideas and share knowledge and best practice.
The forum aims to:
- Support the development of local policy strategy and action planning on transport decarbonisation
- identify potential areas for joint working and collaboration
- guide the work of Transport for the South East on transport decarbonisation
- provide a mechanism for constructive engagement with the Department for Transport
Wider South East Freight Forum
England’s Economic Heartland (EEH), Transport East (TE), and Transport for the South East (TfSE) have established a Wider South East Freight Forum, which brings together freight and logistics industry representatives such as Logistics UK, the Road Haulage Association, local authorities, business representatives, and ports and airports.
The Forum will support a better understanding of each member’s needs, identify areas for collaboration and joint working, and be a mechanism to share expertise, knowledge and good practice across the Wider South East. The forum will also enable members to support the implementation of EEH, TE, and TfSE’s work on freight.

Transport Forum
Our Transport Forum is an independently-chaired group, bringing together representatives of a wide group of stakeholders. This includes transport user groups and operators, business groups, environmental groups, delivery partners and local authorities. Invitees to all of our wider forums are on the Transport Forum membership list.
The forum meets in person twice a year, to provide wide reaching engagement opportunities, and bi-annual engagement events to share TfSE developments and gather feedback. The in-person events also provide networking opportunities for TfSE’s wider stakeholders. Through these events the forum provides a mechanism to gather views on strategic transport issues to feed into the Advisory Panel and subsequently, the Partnership Board.
TfSE & Regional Universities Panel
Our regional Universities Panel brings together representatives from our region’s universities to increase knowledge sharing between our university partners and identify collaboration opportunities. Support from our universities has been fundamental in the development of the Centre of Excellence and, their involvement allows connection to be made between them and our local authority partners.
The forum takes places bi-annually and provides the opportunity for TfSE to gather feedback on our strategic work, and identify how TfSE and universities can support each other. Good partnership working with our universities provides us with the opportunities to engage with a more diverse audience and increase youth participation in our engagement programmes.