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Categories: Partnership Board

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Partnership Board

1. Welcome and apologies2. Minutes from 23rd January 20233. Declarations of interest4. Statements from the public5. Strategic Investment Plan 6. SIP communications plan7. SIP delivery 8. Finance update9. Electric Vehicle Charging Infrastructure Strategy10. Centre of excellence 11. Technical call off contact procurement12. Lead officers report13. Technical programme update14. Communications and stakeholder engagement update15. Transport Forum &hellip; <a href="">Continued</a>

Read more about Partnership Board

Partnership Board

1. Welcome and Apologies2. Minutes from last meeting3. Declarations of interest4. Statements from the public5. Strategic Prioritisation6. Audit and Governance Committee Update7. Transport Forum Review8. Transport Forum Update9. SIP Policy Position Statements10. Finance Update11. Responses to Consultations12. Lead Officer&#8217;s Report13. Delivery of the Strategic Investment Plan14. Technical Programme Update15. Communications and Stakeholder engagement update

Read more about Partnership Board

Partnership Board

The meeting will be held in person and streamed live (below). The meeting will also be recorded and uploaded to the TfSE YouTube channel. A direct link to this recording will appear on this page after the meeting. Please note that whilst you will be able to watch public items, you won’t be able to &hellip; <a href="">Continued</a>

Read more about Partnership Board

Partnership Board

1. Welcome and apologies 2. Minutes from 14 November 20223. Declarations of interest4. Statements from the public5. Lead Officer&#8217;s report6. SIP delivery plan7. Finance update8. Governance group update9. Technical programme update10. Communications and stakeholder engagement update11. Transport Forum 12. Responses to consultations

Read more about Partnership Board

Extraordinary Partnership Board Meeting

Welcome and Apologies Minutes from the last meeting Declarations of interest Statements from the public Budget for 2022/23 Business Plan for 2022/23 SIP Communications and Engagement

Read more about Extraordinary Partnership Board Meeting

Partnership Board

Welcome and Apologies Minutes from last meeting Declarations of interest Governance Statements from the public Area Studies Update Working towards a Strategic Investment Plan SIP Consultation SIP Communications and Engagement Local Capability Response to Consultations Lead Officer&#8217;s Report Financial Update Additional Workstream Developments MRN/LLM Update Technical Programme Update Governance Group Update Transport Forum

Read more about Partnership Board