The chair and vice-chair of Transport for the South East have been re-elected by members of the Shadow Partnership Board at its July meeting.
Cllr Keith Glazier, leader of East Sussex County Council, will serve as chair for the next twelve months, with Cllr Tony Page, deputy leader of Reading Borough Council, as vice-chair.
The board also agreed to co-opt a number of partners to the board for a further year:
- The interim chair of the Transport Forum;
- Two people nominated collectively by the Local Enterprise Partnerships;
- A person nominated by the National Parks and other protected landscape designations;
- Two people nominated by the district and borough authorities; and
- A representative each from Highways England, Network Rail and Transport for London (non-voting).

About the Shadow Partnership Board
The Shadow Partnership Board is Transport for the South East’s principal decision-making body and brings together representatives from local authorities, business groups and other key partners.
Under the legislation governing the creation of sub-national transport bodies, our board comprises elected members representing the 16 local transport authorities in our area (known as ‘constituent authorities’).
Co-opting representatives from organisations including local economic partnerships (LEPs), local planning authorities, protected landscapes and transport delivery partners means our board can benefit from additional technical expertise and insight when making decisions.
Geoff French, former chairman of engineering firm Scott Wilson, was re-elected as interim chair of the Transport Forum.